Oz tv show season 1
Oz tv show season 1

oz tv show season 1

Later Augustus Hill testifies against Coyle for murdering an Italian-American family, and Wangler seeks revenge. Wangler is upset when Coyle is kicked out of the kitchen on Nappa's suspicions. Nappa, however, tells them to stand back for the time being. Adebisi is released from the psych ward and the other Homeboys, especially Wangler and Pierce, plot to kill him. Wangler proves that he is worthy of being in their gang to Antonio Nappa. Coyle is beaten by the Homeboys in the gym as a loyalty test that is often performed in their housing project neighborhoods. Malcolm Coyle arrives and is immediately welcomed by Wangler. Wangler's defeat against Hamid Khan in the boxing tournament. Also, Poet comes back to Oz after killing a man while on parole and Wangler and Pierce accept him upon his return. Adebisi has a psychotic episode and goes to the psych ward as a result.

oz tv show season 1

He kills Jara with the help of Junior Pierce, his main sidekick in the Homeboys. The Italians offer Wangler a partnership in the drug trade if he kills Jara, the man responsible for salvaging Adebisi. Wangler then gets back into the routine, even making peace with Poet and berates the Italian inmates after Adebisi takes out their leader, Peter Schibetta and his enforcer, Chucky Pancamo.Īs Adebisi becomes increasingly unstable, it becomes clear that he cannot lead the Homeboys. Wangler's behavior worsens as a result, and he is not allowed to walk the stage at graduation when McManus decides he is too much of a discipline problem. Adebisi forces him to stop going to class and tears up a book that McManus gave him to hide his tits. After Wangler gets out of pocket with Adebisi he physically threatens him and tells him to never disrespect him again. Adebisi, however, is not pleased by Wangler getting more book smart.


McManus proposes that he learn how to read instead of going to the hole to Warden Glynn and his behavior improves as he becomes more literate. Later on, it is discovered that Wangler is illiterate. In the classroom, Wangler is disrespectful and verbally berates several inmates, especially Poet, who has a talent for writing. He is let back into Em City, and McManus convinces him to get his GED instead of mopping floors. In General Population, Wangler goes through severe heroin withdrawal and is assaulted by the prisoners and guards for his disruptive behavior. Throughout the season up to the riot, Wangler remains a key drug dealer and user who goes insane during the riot from withdrawal. He robs elderly inmate Bob Rebadow for no apparent reason other than it is easy to do so and is choked by Unit Manager Tim McManus for his behavior and lack of respect. Wangler and Adebisi ambush Joey D'Angelo, Nino Schibetta's right hand man, in the kitchen and proves that he has a place in the gang. Adebisi suggests to current Homeboy leader, Jefferson Keane to let him in so that the Homeboys can wipe out the Italians. After he compliments Kareem Said, Said tries to convert him to Islam but his heroin addiction keeps him off the straight and narrow path. Wangler is sent to Oz for murder and is immediately seen as a target. Sentence: 20 years, up for parole in 6." ― The Narrator Season 1 (16 years old tried as an adult) Convicted July 6, '97 - Murder in the first degree.

Oz tv show season 1